Lamb, William K.
Golconda, Nevada, September 28, 1899
Date of Death:
October 29, 1918
Hero Bio:
William Kent Lamb was born at Golconda, Humboldt County, Nevada, on the 28th of September, 1899. He was the eldest son of former Sheriff Selah Graham Lamb and Nellie May Lamb of Winnemucca, Nevada. When he was four years of age the family moved from Golconda to Winnemucca where the boy was to enter school and spend his youthful years. He completed his grammar school work in Winnemucca but he had also attended the Mount Rose School in Reno one year.
As he grew older he expressed an inclination to join the Navy and take advantage of the vocational training it offered. Accordingly on his sixteenth birthday, September 28, 1915, he enlisted in the Naval Service for a period of four years. He had served three years when a decline in health made it necessary for him to be stationed ashore. While at Mare Island, California, he was taken ill with influenza and Mrs. Lamb was summoned, but before she could reach her boy’s bedside he had passed away. (October 29, 1918). His remains were returned to Winnemucca, and on the 2d of November in a casket banked with flowers, he was borne to his last resting place by his former playmates. Besides his parents he leaves a brother, S. Ray Lamb, 44 South Pilgrim Street, Stockton, California. Only nineteen were his years, but his honorable character and unselfish devotion might serve as a fit example for many men thrice his age.
Rank in Death:
Seaman, First Class
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
United States Navy